We are happy to announce the latest update to FileVoyager.
This release focuses on fixing bugs and refining existing functionalities to provide you with a smoother and more reliable file exploration journey.
🌟Key additions:
Native SVG Support: FileVoyager now boasts native support for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files in both thumbnails and the viewer. This enhancement is made possible by integrating the advanced Angus Johnson Image32 library.
JPEG XR Image Compatibility: Our support spectrum widens to include JPEG XR Image (jxr & wdp), previously known as Windows HD Photo.
🐞 Bug fixing:
Search is unbroken: We’ve addressed an issue where search functionality occasionally encountered an access violation, ending up in only 1 search result found.
Classic UI usable again: Instances where the Classic menu UI was used experienced display issues (see the forum thread for more info).
Ctrl+A while renaming: When pressing Ctrl+A during filename editing, the key combination was “eaten” and processed by the file list (see the forum thread for more info).
For a comprehensive overview of all changes and fixes, please refer to our detailed release notes.
To experience the enhanced features and improvements, we invite you to update FileVoyager now.
Thank you for choosing FileVoyager, where your file management needs take center stage.
And don’t forget, if you like FileVoyager and want to contribute to its development:
- You can help by buying me a coffee
, because I work on it late at night
- You can help by creating, maintaining or correcting translation files. Head to this article, your help will be welcome.
- You can help by creating, maintaining or correcting tutorials in the forum
- You can help by liking, following or talking about FileVoyager in social networks, or in blog posts, or in articles.
- You can help by reporting bugs or wrong behaviors.
- You can help by requesting features.
- You can help by participating in the forum.
- Or you can still help by buying me a coffee
, because I still work on it late at night
And if none of the above suits you, just use FileVoyager and if you enjoy it, I am rewarded.