64-bit support
64-bit support

64-bit support

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  • #652

    Is there a native 84-bit version of FileVoyager version
    Or does the current release correctly handle the system32 directory?
    A response would be greatly appreciated.



    Hello hassenbensobahr,

    Be welcome as the first member of this board.
    Unfortunately, I still use a version of Delphi that compile only for 32 bits.

    When running on 64bits systems, FileVoyager supports listing of the real system32 folder, and is not virtualized via SysWOW64.
    But no operations on that folder are supported (so no copy, move, rename, or whatever) and no view with FileVoyager’s internal Viewer.
    Actions on an item in this folder are only possible through the Shell context menu of the item (the menu that is displayed when right clicking an item).

    I don’t want to invest time and energy with full support of the system32 folder in 32bits because the simplest solution would be to compile to x64.




    Maybe Delphi will skip 64-bit and go right to *84-bit*. 😉




    Just an update. As of version, file operations are also supported on the System32 folder


    Another update. As of version, context menu is the 64 bits menu (when running on 64 bits systems of course).

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