make prefs panel resizeable or small with scrollbar
make prefs panel resizeable or small with scrollbar

make prefs panel resizeable or small with scrollbar

Welcome Forums Feature requests make prefs panel resizeable or small with scrollbar

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  • #4891
    Rob Henerey

    As it is, on my 1440×900 @125% display, it comes up ok except when making a Pref change I see no Apply button or X to exit. I just guessed Esc would work, but no change in Prefs happened.

    The change I went looking for is a toggle to mix Filenames and Foldernames by name Together rather than having all Folders on top with files below. I didn’t see this. MultiCommander can do this.



    • I’ll consider your remark about the size of the prefs window
    • Regarding the listing of files and folders regardless of their type, I’ve added it to my to do list as it shouldn’t be hard to implement

    will keep you posted here

    Rob Henerey

    Thank you, kind sir.

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