Questions by newbie to FileVoyager
Questions by newbie to FileVoyager

Questions by newbie to FileVoyager

Welcome Forums General discussions Questions by newbie to FileVoyager

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    I have just started using the portable version of File Explorer and have I few questions that I am hoping to get answers to.

    1.  I found the forum post about editing the .ini to control the startup directory for each pane.  Is there also a way to control which pane has focus on startup?  I would prefer that the left pane have focus but mine opens with right pane having focus.

    2.  I found a forum post made in 202o about column order not being controllable.  I have found that I can change it but the change does not stick.  Am I missing anything that will make it stick?

    3.  I am struggling with readily identifying the active pane.  The only difference I see is the colored current path bar.  I have tested a few of the themes (non-white background) hoping for something more obvious but no joy.  Are there any settings or tricks that will make the active pane more obvious?

    TIA for your help!


    Hi BigB,

    1. Unfortunately, there is currently no setting available to specify which pane should be in focus when the application starts up.
    2. It appears that the feature is no longer operational. I have gone ahead and added a bug report to my issue tracker.
    3. Indeed, the address bar is the element that indicates the currently focused pane by subtly changing color.
      What would you suggest to better indicate the focused pane ?
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