I have just started using the portable version of File Explorer and have I few questions that I am hoping to get answers to.
1. I found the forum post about editing the .ini to control the startup directory for each pane. Is there also a way to control which pane has focus on startup? I would prefer that the left pane have focus but mine opens with right pane having focus.
2. I found a forum post made in 202o about column order not being controllable. I have found that I can change it but the change does not stick. Am I missing anything that will make it stick?
3. I am struggling with readily identifying the active pane. The only difference I see is the colored current path bar. I have tested a few of the themes (non-white background) hoping for something more obvious but no joy. Are there any settings or tricks that will make the active pane more obvious?
TIA for your help!