Suggestion – Hotkeys for Name/Date Column Sorting
Suggestion – Hotkeys for Name/Date Column Sorting

Suggestion – Hotkeys for Name/Date Column Sorting

Welcome Forums Feature requests Suggestion – Hotkeys for Name/Date Column Sorting

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  • #4896
    David Peters

    I’d love to see hotkeys for toggling column sort for Name and Date.  When entering a new directory, perhaps full of log files, I know that I want to see the newest file so I’ll sort by Date.  While there’s already a menu command for these hotkeys would let me keep my hands on the keyboard.

    Thanks for the consideration!




    A complete review of the shorcuts is planned. Good that you suggest this because shortcuts for column sorting were not in my radar yet. I add it to my todo.

    I propose the following shortcuts to stay consistent with other notable file managers:

    CTRL+F3 Sort by name
    CTRL+F4 Sort by extension/file type
    CTRL+F5 Sort by modified date/time
    CTRL+F6 Sort by size

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