Montage of the main interface in Dark and Alien themeMain interface showing music albums in the thumbflow viewMain interface showing the viewer embedded playing music with visualization and cover thumbThe viewer in standalone mode playing music with system’s codecs and showing XMPlay visualization and cover thumbThe viewer in standalone mode showing a playlist, playing music with embedded VLC, showing VLC’s visualization The viewer in standalone playing a HD Video with embedded WMP (Windows Media Player)The viewer in standalone mode showing a file in hexadecimal modeThe viewer in standalone mode showing a Pascal source code with syntax highlightingThe viewer in standalone mode showing a PDF (powered by SumatraPDF)The Folder Sync toolThe File Comparison (Diff) toolThe Address Bar is a Crumb Bar that can be deployed on multiple levels, without a single clickExploration panel has a folder tree. By default hidden.Exploration panel has a disk list. By default hidden. Exploration panel has a folder tab bar.Built-in 7-zip allows a wide choice for Archive creation (compression and decompression)The search tools are embedded in the panels and allow multiple search parametersMultiple FileVoyager instances showing a subset of the many themes/skinsSupported archives can be browsed like any other folder, seamlesslyDialog box that allow full customization of the pinned items in the Application BarThe Application Bar allows items to be pinned for quick retrieval. Pins can handle file/folder drops on them and are fully configurable Copy items’ name or path or parent folder to the clipboardCompute folder sizes with one button click