What’s coming next?
What’s coming next?

What’s coming next?

UPDATE: The content of this post is now realized. The features described below have been released in version 16.10.15

The first version has just been released and I am already working on the next ones (when I’m not working for food and not taking care of my family).
To give an idea of what’s cooking, here are the two main features I want to add in FileVoyager.
The development of those features is already in an advanced state, and I hope they will be available in a near release.

The first one is the folders synchronization. The first screenshot below shows what it currently looks like.
The second feature is close to the first. It’s a file comparator (Diff). The second screenshot below shows what it currently looks like.


The folder synchronization will allow the user to spot the differences between two folders and to re-synchronize them.
The file comparison will allow the user to spot the differences between two files and to re-synchronize them.

I hope that you will welcome those features!
In the meantime, if you haven’t yet installed FileVoyager, come on! Head to the Download area and try it. It’s free after all…